The ADHD Couples Palooza is this weekend! November 10-12, 2023.
This will be my third year attending the ADHD Couples Palooza online. Every year I walk away with a tremendous amount of information both personally and professionally.
Some background. The ADHD Couples Palooza is for three days focused on romantic relationships. Each session is thoughtfully designed with your greatest challenges in mind. All presentations are FREE and given by experts in the field.
If you’re ready to strengthen the connection and collaboration with your significant other, tuning into the ADHD Couples’ Palooza is a great step forward. Whether you’re currently in a relationship or hope to be, there is plenty to glean from this deep dive into partnering with neurodivergent people.
Lastly, if you find that this weekend has way to many things going on to be able to give the Palooza the time and attention it deserves. No worries. You may want to consider purchasing the Encore package for $97 - less than $7 a session and half price this week only. That's 14 recorded sessions PLUS the 2 hour recording from the Couples Panel (the only way you have access to the replay of that event is via Encore). Disclosure. I myself have had to purchase the encore package each year. Sometimes because my time is limited and other times because there's just a wealth of information that I love returning back to for myself or to listen with my husband.

Yvette E. McDonald is the owner and counselor at Traveling Light Counseling, a practice for individuals, couples and families helping them discover the person/couple they were always meant to be, as they become the best version of self in their roles and relationships in the Port Saint Lucie and Martin County area. As an ADHD, Twice-Exceptional, Highly Sensitive Person, she understands the struggles that come with being Neurodiverse. She wants to help you, your child or relationship experience the gifts that come with being Neurodiverse, reduce the intensity you have been living with, and help you navigate through life with more confidence, awareness, emotional strength and perspective.