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parejas  Asesoramiento

Consejería de Parejas

Finding yourself:


Leaning towards a divorce decision but are not sure.

Confused about the possibilities?  

Is your spouse talking about divorce and you don't want it?

Is your spouse thinking of leaving you and you're desperate about that, but they say they won't go to marriage counseling?

Your spouse is having an affair and they say they don't love you anymore and why even bother with counseling?

I can help.  Hi, I'm Counselor Yvette E. McDonald and speaking from my own personal experience being in a state of limbo regarding my marriage was physically, emotionally and spiritually draining.  I didn't know where to turn and how to make sense of a situation that was so foreign to me on every level.  More times than not I found myself just sitting in silence trying to manage my emotions all the while trying to discern what to do with my marriage.  My husband at the time was all over the place as well.  In one breath he wanted to repair the marriage and build a new and then in the next breath he wanted to go with his lover.  Then there were times that he just wanted to be single.  We both felt torn as we yo-yo back and forth between what to do, what we wanted/needed, the ethical dilemmas, our children's needs, our hearts desires and if we even wanted to repair and heal the brokenness of our marriage.  It was a rough season to say the least and we for sure lacked the discernment to make the decision let alone the right professionals to help us make sense of the most stressful time in our life.  Needless to say we would have jumped at the opportunity to do discernment counseling which I feel would have saved us time (in the form of years) and emotional pain.  

You don't have to make a premature divorce decision.  You have an option.  An option that was never available to me during my marriage crisis that I get the honor to offer you over a decade later.  

Let's Take A Brief Timeout

Slowing down the moving train towards divorce and giving you both some time to reflect.  
  • No more than 5 sessions to examine your options & figure out what path to take, let's divorce or working on the marriage in couples therapy

  • It's a way to see if the problems could be solved and if both want to work on them.  

  • Gaining more clarity & confidence in your decision based on getting a perspective from a therapist who meets with both of you and hears from both of you.

Image by whoislimos

La terapia de pareja puede ayudarlo a crear una base sólida que pueda llegar hasta el final. Nos encanta trabajar con parejas en todas las etapas del matrimonio .  Cada pareja lucha y buscar asesoramiento más temprano que tarde es el mejor regalo e inversión que puede darle a su matrimonio. Aprender desde el principio cómo manejar los baches, los giros y las vueltas que vienen con el matrimonio de manera saludable evita la distancia y la frialdad que crean un ambiente de habitación o posiblemente incluso el divorcio.


Entonces, si alguna de estas señales de advertencia temprana se aplica a su situación. Programemos una cita de inmediato.

  • Incapacidad para resolver conflictos de una manera sana.

  • Depresión.

  • Falta de comunicación.

  • Falta de deseo sexual.

  • Las necesidades del otro no son satisfechas (sexo, comunicación, conexión).

  • Incapacidad de compromiso.

  • Ruptura en la comunicación.

  • Confusión sobre los roles de cada cónyuge en el matrimonio.

  • Pornografía.

  • Engaño.

  • Desacuerdo sobre los estilos de crianza.

  • Adicciones.

  • Cambio dramático en los patrones de interacción.


Su matrimonio/relación no tiene que terminar. ¡Hay esperanza!  Entonces, en su tiempo junto con el consejero, desempacará, explorará y creará una asociación íntima para el viaje de la vida que es más que solo sexo excelente, pero lo hace sentir conocido, conectándose con su propio corazón y el de su pareja. 


Vive tu mejor vida:

Experimente un aumento de habilidades, mejores relaciones, disminución de síntomas adversos, reducción de emociones fuertes, exploración emocional apoyada, claridad y perspectiva y mejor calidad de vida.  


Additional Resources for your Journey 

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Estamos aquí para ayudarlo a obtener perspectiva, conocimiento y claridad para un mañana más ligero

Let the adventure begin to a lighter and brighter tomorrow with the unpacking of today's struggles in order to receive tomorrow's blessings!  We are honored that you have chosen Traveling Light Counseling to meet your needs!

Asesoramiento ligero en viajes    |   1222 SE Port St. Lucie Blvd., Port St. Lucie, FL 34952  |  772-361-8448   |   Reservados todos los derechos

Offering Tele-Health in New Mexico & Florida and In-Person in the Treasure Coast (Saint Lucie, Indian River & Martin County), FL.


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© 2015  por Yvette E. McDonald, LCSW.

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