Maybe you haven’t taken much time in life to think about who you are. Or perhaps you have come to the end of self or the end of a situation and life has forced you to ask these questions: Who am I and what do I want the rest of my life to be and look like?
As you look at the choices you’ve made you wrestle with your thoughts and feelings, questioning who you are or how can you do life differently. Perhaps you find yourself:
Not being the spouse or parent you want to be
In a marriage or relationship that feels dead or impossible
Still single
In and out of relationships and can't figure how to settle down
Stuck in a pattern of destruction
Seeing the world in black and white
Lost and hopeless
At the end of self
At the end of circumstances
At the end of relationship
Feeling less than
Wanting to do life differently
See yourself differently
Conquer challenges more effectively
Not live life in fast forward missing the important things in life
When I sat in my sea of questions over ten years ago, I was in the hardest part of my marriage and life for that matter. I didn't realize how long I had been living in my tiles, that I didn’t know how to move forward or who I was. I didn’t know how to create the life that I wanted but I knew I didn’t want the life that I had. I began to question everything around me, my relationships and I also questioned my knowledge of relationships. I questioned my purpose. I questioned what happiness and love was and if I would ever experience either of them.
Crazy thing is that coming to the end of myself and to the end of my circumstances was the best thing that could’ve ever happened to me. It forged the person I am today. It allowed me an opportunity to create new exciting chapters in my book of life. It had me look at life differently. Experience life differently. It put this lens of intentionality on my vision and changed the way I processed life. These are the things I help people work through and towards during our time together. The process is shorter/longer for some than others, as the journey to self is unique for everybody but it’s a journey full of: Adventure. New beginnings. Surprises. Challenges. Growth both wanted and unwanted. In addition I specialize in helping individuals:
Manage and overcome Anxiety
Manage and overcome Depression
Work through Feelings of Overwhelm and/or Panic
Learn, grow and manage Intense Emotions
Increase Self confidence and Self-esteem
Increase Self-awareness and Self-Love
Adjust and change your Perspective
Change and Manage your Thoughts
Make Intentional Choices
Improve Relationship Patterns
Transformation of your Mindset
Create Healthy Lifestyle Choices
So at the end of it all I help you be the best version of self and see yourself through a different set of lenses. I love this poem that clearly states it. A sign handcrafted by House of Belonging reads:
You be you. Darling, That one thing that you have but nobody else has is you. Your voice. Your story. Your vision. Your heart. Your soul. So laugh and sing. Dance and play. Write and draw. Create and build. Love and shine. Stay true to yourself. Embrace your inner beauty and remember to live life AS ONLY YOU CAN.
All this working together is wrapped up in a down to earth, quirky counselor that's passionate about helping you unpack the past and present in order to live a life as only you can, in the best version of self. Because you are the only you there is and that’s a beautiful fact!
Yvette E. McDonald is the owner and counselor at Traveling Light Counseling, a practice for individuals helping them discover the person they were always meant to be as they become the best version of self in their roles and relationships in the Port Saint Lucie and Martin County area. I'm passionate about helping individuals write a new chapter in their journey of life. If you're in the Saint Lucie or Martin County Area and life isn't quite what you expected it to be at this point in your journey, please give me a call at 772-361-8448 for a free, 15-minute phone consultation.